The asset management team of Baloise is getting behind the Group’s value creation model. We aim to continuously develop our responsible investment policies and adapt to changing markets and regulations. Thereby we take responsibility for a sustainable development of the environment, society and governance.
Our responsible investment (RI) policies define the approaches for the responsible investment of third-party customer assets managed by Baloise and investment funds, and how to implement this in the course of portfolio management. We pursue a general RI strategy using exclusions, active ownership elements and integration of ESG criteria into the investment process. Baloise uses an advanced RI strategy for strategies that promote environmental and social characteristics. The advanced RI strategy includes all general exclusions, wider exclusions, a best-in-class approach, and an active ownership strategy including dedicated direct corporate engagement. The advanced RI strategy is applied specifically to Luxembourgish investment funds managed by Baloise that promote environmental or social characteristics as defined in Art. 8 of the SFDR1, or a combination of these characteristics. Our memberships of various industry associations (such as PRI2, AMAS3, SSF4) enable collaborative dialogues with companies on specific or overarching ESG topics.
1 Article 8 Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation
2 United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment
3 Asset Management Association Switzerland
4 Swiss Sustainable Finance
Exclusions are applied to all direct investments regardless of the Responsible Investment Policy. Exclusions are based on regulatory sanctions imposed by, for example, the EU or the UN.
Investment-specific exclusions refer to the systematic exclusion of certain issuers from an investment portfolio on the grounds that their business activities or practices violate predetermined norms or values based (e.g. produciton of tobacco, violation of UN Global Compact).
The best-in-class approach of the advanced RI strategy is applied specifically to those investment funds managed by Baloise that promote environmental or social characteristics as defined in Art. 8 of the SFDR or a combination of these characteristics. This approach is based on ESG performance of companies and issuers.
Active ownership is an integral part of our approach to responsible investment for assets under management of third-party clients and Baloise Group's insurance units. The strategy defines the option for direct and collaborative corporate dialogue, voting rights and public policy engagement. Our RI strategy is represented in our Active Ownership policy.
The investment teams include sustainability risks related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) into the investment analysis in order to reduce any potential adverse financial impact or reputational damage from sustainability risks. Dedicated ESG data is made available to Portfolio Management by external data providers.
The climate strategy is an integral element of our responsible investment strategy for insurance funds, third party assets and investment funds. In the course of the climate strategy, we aim to integrate the elements of our general RI strategy exclusions, ESG-integration, engagement and transparency. Within the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, we focus primarily on climate action and thus on Sustainable Development Goal No. 13 (combating climate change) when it comes to responsible investment. You can find more information about our climate strategy in the downloads.
- Baloise Responsible Investment Policy for third-party assets and investment funds, 553 KB
- Baloise Responsible Investment Policy for insurance funds of Baloise Group, 508 KB
- Baloise Responsible Investment Policy for Real Estate of the Swiss insurance units (only in German), 532 KB
- Baloise Active Ownership Policy, 244 KB
- Baloise Climate Strategy, 58 KB