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Investment solutions with a 3a savings acount BVG-Mix Dynamic Allocation 0-80

in combination with an Invest Savings 3 account

Defensive striker
BVG-Mix Dynamic Allocation 0-80

You attach importance to stability. At the same time, you want to benefit from the opportunities presented by the equity markets:

  • With the innovative investment vehicle, BVG-Mix Dynamic Allocation 0-80, private investors invest primarily in Swiss bonds, real estate and equities.
  • The dynamic structure of the fund allows the investor to respond more flexibly to any market trends occurring during the calendar year: During longer upward trends, opportunities presented by the financial markets are exploited to the full, while losses incurred during lengthier downturns can be limited.
  • Suitable for growth-oriented investors
Further information
Factsheet (in German) BAP - BVG-Mix Dynamic Allocation 0-80 pdf - 273 KB
Folder (in German) Anlagen für die private Vorsorge und Freizügigkeit pdf - 108 KB
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Investment funds with a life insurance
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