Once you have placed your order, the insurance certificate will be sent directly to the Vehicle Licensing Office.
You can register your vehicle with the Vehicle Licensing Office for a period of 30 days starting on the selected date of registration.
You keep your licence plate, but register a new vehicle under the existing licence plate.
You buy a car and need a new licence plate for it, or you are keeping your vehicle but are moving to a different canton.
You have deposited your licence plate for a certain period of time and now want to use it for your vehicle again.
You register a second vehicle for your existing interchangeable licence plate for the first time and have an interchangeable licence plate as opposed to a single licence plate. If the first vehicle is reinstated at the same time, you need to order a second insurance certificate.
You change insurance company, but keep both your vehicle and the licence plate.
You have your vehicle and the licence plate registered under a new owner or under a new name (e.g. due to marriage).