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Baloise Global Bonds CHF Optimized

The Fund «Baloise Fund Invest (CH) - Global Bonds CHF Optimized» invests in the world's most attractive bond markets from the perspective of Swiss investors. The investment strategy is oriented towards not to be benchmarked and thus enables the a maximum of flexibility. The fund thus offers an attractive risk-return profile currency hedged in Swiss franc (CHF).

Fund profile (in German) Fondsprofil Global Bonds CHF Optimized pdf - 105 KB
«The exemption from benchmark requirements leaves room for manoeuvre for a sustainable Added value for your portfolio. Follow the active investment policy of Baloise.»

Blaise Roduit, Head Fixed Income, Asset Management of Baloise

Swiss Franc Bonds Optimized

The «Baloise Fund Invest (CH) - Swiss Franc Bonds Optimized» fund invests worldwide in CHF investment-grade bonds and offers an attractive risk-return profile. The selection of bonds is based on the benchmark Swiss Bond Index Total AAA-BBB. The focus lies on liquid, high-quality government and corporate bonds. The active and rule-based investment approach aims for the most attractive market segments and optimizes the expected total return (Expected Total Return, ETR) while adhering to risk requirements.

Fund profile (in German) Fondsprofil Swiss Franc Bonds Optimized pdf - 102 KB
«The systematic implementation of a model-based ETR optimization combined with our co-manager approach allows us to strive for an attractive return under strict risk management. »

Cédric Willi and Philippe Oster, both Co-Lead Senior Portfolio Manager Fixed Income, Asset Management of Baloise

Global Short Duration High Yield Bonds

​​​​​​Launch: 16 March 2022

The «Baloise Fund Invest (Lux) – BFI Global Short Duration High Yield Bonds» fund invests worldwide in the most attractive high-yield bonds with a BB rating (excluding financials). The investment universe consists of more than 100 issuers, providing a good level of diversification. With a modified duration of less than three years, the fund also is less sensitive to interest rate risk. The active, rule-based strategy follows the benchmark «Bloomberg Global High Yield Corporate ex Financial 1-3Y BB 2% Issuer Cap» and offers a favourable risk/return profile.

Fund profile (in German) Fondsprofil Global Short Duration High Yield Bonds pdf - 249 KB
«Investments in BB-rated short duration bonds yield significantly higher returns compared to investment-grade bonds, with similar levels of volatility and a considerably lower interest rate risk.»

Portfolio Management Fixed Income, Asset Management of Baloise

Global subordinated bonds

​​​​​​Launch: 23 March 2022

The «Baloise Fund Invest (Lux) – BFI Global Subordinated Bonds» (the “Fund”) invests worldwide in the most attractive subordinated bond markets. The investment universe consists of more than 100 issuers, ensuring a well-diversified portfolio. The Fund makes targeted use of companies’ capital structures and invests in the subordinated segment of the banking, insurance and non-financial sectors. The rule-based approach applied in the management of the Fund follows a clear, quantitative set of rules based on scientific facts. 

Fund profile (in German) Fondsprofil Global Subordinated Bonds pdf - 105 KB
«Subordinated bonds provide investors with the opportunity to benefit from a company’s capital structure. The subordinated bonds offer a credit premium that is 50 to 150 basis points higher compared to senior bonds.»

Portfolio Management Fixed Income, Asset Management of Baloise

Factsheets (in German)
BFI (CH) - Global Bonds CHF Optimized D-H CHF Cap pdf - 174 KB BFI (CH) - Global Bonds CHF Optimized I-H CHF Cap pdf - 178 KB BFI (CH) - Global Bonds CHF Optimized M-H CHF Cap pdf - 175 KB BFI (CH) - Global Bonds CHF Optimized N-H CHF Dis pdf - 178 KB BFI (CH) - Global Bonds CHF Optimized Z-H CHF Dis pdf - 179 KB
BFI (CH) - Swiss Franc Bonds Optimized I CHF Cap pdf - 176 KB BFI (CH) - Swiss Franc Bonds Optimized M CHF Cap pdf - 170 KB BFI (CH) - Swiss Franc Bonds Optimized N CHF Cap pdf - 180 KB BFI (CH) - Swiss Franc Bonds Optimized Z CHF Dis pdf - 171 KB
BFI (Lux) - BFI Global Short Duration High Yield Bonds I EUR pdf - 197 KB BFI (Lux) - BFI Global Short Duration High Yield Bonds D-H CHF pdf - 189 KB BFI (Lux) - BFI Global Short Duration High Yield Bonds I-H CHF pdf - 189 KB
BFI (Lux) - BFI Global Subordinated Bonds I EUR pdf - 182 KB BFI (Lux) - BFI Global Subordinated Bonds D-H CHF pdf - 194 KB BFI (Lux) - BFI Global Subordinated Bonds I-H CHF pdf - 190 KB
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