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Privacy policy Privacy policy for video surveillance
1. Basic rule and scope

This privacy policy applies to data processing in connection with video surveillance in buildings by Baloise Insurance Ltd and Baloise Bank Ltd (together hereinafter also referred to as “Baloise” or “we”; see clause 2).

Personal details are data that relate to an identified or identifiable natural person. Sensitive personal data are personal details that are specially protected by law due to their sensitivity, for example biometric data. Processing means any form of handling of your data, in particular collection, storage, use, disclosure, archiving or deletion. We comply with the Federal Data Protection Act (FADP) and the implementing ordinance (DPO).

Our employees are regularly trained on data protection topics and are sworn to secrecy. In addition, our data protection unit monitors compliance with data protection regulations.

2. Bodies responsible and contact details

The following companies are responsible under data protection law for the data processing described here:

  • Baloise Insurance Ltd
    Aeschengraben 21
    4002 Basel, Switzerland
  • Baloise Bank Ltd
    Amthausplatz 4
    4502 Solothurn, Switzerland
  • Baloise Asset Management Ltd
    Aeschengraben 21,
    4002 Basel, Switzerland

If you have any data protection concerns or wish to exercise your rights under clause 10, you can contact our data protection unit as follows:

  • Baloise Insurance Ltd
    Data protection unit
    Aeschengraben 21, P.O. Box
    4002 Basel, Switzerland
    Email: datenschutz@baloise.ch
  • Baloise Bank Ltd
    Data protection unit
    Amthausplatz 4, P.O. Box
    4502 Solothurn, Switzerland
    Email: datenschutz-bank@baloise.ch
  • Baloise Asset Management Ltd
    Data protection unit
    Aeschengraben 21
    4002 Basel, Switzerland
    Email: datenschutz.bam@baloise.com


3. Categories of personal details processed

Baloise processes the following data in connection with video surveillance:

  • Images recorded by surveillance cameras
  • Technical information and marginal data, for example camera location, location and time of recording

Video surveillance is used at those entrances to the bank and insurance buildings that are accessible to the public, at branch offices (e.g. general agencies), in customer zones (incl. self-service zones), at ATMs when customers are withdrawing/depositing cash and in other areas (in particular counter halls, safe rooms, foyers). Pictograms are displayed at building entrances or in places where video cameras are located to draw attention to the use of surveillance cameras. In general, the cameras record images continuously in all locations (24/7).

4. Purposes of data processing

Baloise processes the personal details referred to above for the following purposes:

  • To ensure general security in Baloise buildings and infrastructure (e.g. to prevent criminal behaviour)
  • To investigate possible criminal offences and to enforce legal claims, e.g. in criminal proceedings
  • To safeguard the right to determine who is allowed or denied access to the premises, in particular to prevent and sanction cases involving damage to property or pollution, to identify unauthorised access, burglary and theft
  • To furnish evidence of withdrawals and deposits, for example at ATMs
5. Recipients of personal details

In individual cases and if need be, we may transmit video surveillance data to responsible authorities and courts (e.g. prosecuting authorities for the purposes of preserving evidence or for security purposes), employees, witnesses or victims (in order to enforce claims), insurance companies (for claims settlement purposes) and other third parties (e.g. lawyers, experts). We only share this data if we are legally obliged or entitled to do so or if this is necessary to protect our interests.

Other recipients include external service providers that process data on our behalf, meaning that they can gain access to it (e.g. when operating or maintaining systems). These service providers are contractually obliged to adhere to our standards for data processing, as well as to the applicable data protection and confidentiality obligations. Where contractually or legally provided, such service providers may in turn engage third parties under the same conditions.

6. Your rights

You have the following rights in accordance with the applicable data protection law and if the conditions are met:

  • You can request information about whether we process your personal details and, if so, what these details are.
  • You can request us to correct incorrect data or complete incomplete data or correct or complete such data yourself to a limited extent via the customer portal at any time.
  • You may request the erasure of your data unless we are required or authorised to retain your data under applicable laws and regulations.
  • You may request that the data you have provided be released or transferred to another data controller in a commonly used electronic format, provided that the processing is carried out using automated processing or you have consented to the processing.
  • In cases in which the data processing is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke this at any time. If you revoke your consent this does not affect the lawfulness of the data processing undertaken on the basis of your consent up until the revocation.
  • You also have the right to lodge a complaint with our data protection unit or the competent data protection supervisory authority if you do not agree with our handling of your rights. You can contact the Swiss supervisory authority at edoeb.admin.ch.

Please note that these rights are subject to statutory requirements and that exceptions and limitations apply. In particular, we may need to process and store your personal details in order to protect our own legitimate interests, such as the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims, or to comply with statutory obligations. To the extent legally permissible, in particular to protect the rights and freedoms of other data subjects and to safeguard interests worthy of protection, we must therefore also reject a data subject request in whole or in part (e.g. by blacking out certain content that concerns third parties or our trade secrets). In order for us to be able to rule out fraudulent use, we must verify your identity (e.g. with a copy of your identity card, if identification is not possible in any other way). We generally retain information in connection with the processing of data subject requests for three years.

If you wish to exercise your rights, you can contact us in writing or by email at the address below.

Baloise Insurance Ltd
Data protection unit
Aeschengraben 21, P.O. Box
4002 Basel, Switzerland
Email: datenschutz@baloise.ch

Baloise Bank Ltd
Data protection unit
Amthausplatz 4, P.O. Box
4502 Solothurn, Switzerland
Email: datenschutz-bank@baloise.ch

Baloise Asset Management Ltd

Data protection unit
Aeschengraben 21
4002 Basel, Switzerland
Email: datenschutz.bam@baloise.com


7. Storage period

Your data will only be stored by us for as long as is required for reaching the aforementioned purposes and for as long as we are legally or contractually obligated to store it. The recordings are generally overwritten after 50 days.

In individual cases, it is possible to retain personal details for longer, for example if claims are asserted against us (during the statutory limitation period) or if we are otherwise contractually, legally or officially obliged to do so, if you consent to this or if legitimate (business) interests, documentation and evidence purposes require this. As soon as your data is no longer required for the above purposes, it will be deleted or anonymised as part of our standard deletion processes.

8. Amendments to this privacy policy

This privacy policy is not part of the contract and can be amended by us at any time. In each case, the version published here applies.

Last updated in February 2024.