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About us Important terms of use

The information and services presented on this website in connection with the investment funds of Baloise Fund Invest (Lux) are intended exclusively for persons domiciled in Switzerland. If you are not domiciled in Switzerland, you are not permitted to access this website. Irrespective of their domicile, “US persons” (see here for a definition of US persons) are expressly prohibited from visiting this website.                                                                                     

You are required to provide truthful information as to your domicile.             

Baloise Fund Invest (Lux) is a fund under Luxembourg law. The key information documents, the detailed sales prospectus, the Articles of Association as well as the annual and half-year reports are available on this website and may also be optained free of charge from the representative in Switzerland, First Independent Fund Services AG, Klausstrasse 33, CH-8008 Zürich, and from the paying agent Baloise Bank AG, Amthausplatz 4, CH-4500 Solothurn.

The information and opinions presented on this website are intended exclusively for information purposes and constitute neither advice, nor an offer, nor a solicitation to purchase or sell fund units, nor do they represent a solicitation to submit an offer to conclude a contract for securities-related or ancillary services. The information presented on this website is not a substitute for advice from your personal investment adviser.

The sole binding basis for the acquisition of fund units are the current sales prospectuses, the key information documents, and the latest versions of the annual and half-year reports.

Past performance, simulations or projections are not reliable indications of future performance. Historical performance data takes no account of expenses incurred through the purchase and redemption of shares. Commissions and expenses negatively impact performance. All investments involve risks, particularly those concerning fluctuations in value and returns. If the currency of the financial product does not match your reference currency, returns may increase or decrease in line with exchange rate movements. The information provided on this website does not take account of specific or future investment objectives, the investor’s tax or financial situation, or the recipient’s individual needs.

We accept no liability for the accuracy, integrity or topicality of the information provided on this website.

Please refer to the legal notices and read our privacy policy before continuing.